Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mind is the Builder

OK, following along the same lines of trying to understand the much repeated phrase that we create our own environment I'm going to send you in the direction of some of the best self help books available on line or anywhere, the Edgar Cayce books. . One of the many books that have been written about the Cayce readings is "Mind is the Builder" by Dick Daily. While it won't tell you how to get "clear" in a precise manner (we already discussed that in a previous post) it does fall in line with what we've been talking about and as such is one of the best self help books around . It will open many doors in the mind for sure.

I became involved with the Cayce readings eons ago and I can state unequivocally that the information contain
ed within those readings is mind blowing to say the least. If you've never heard of him before then let me fill you in.

Mr. Cayce’s story is so amazing that no single biography can explain the full scope of his work. It is probable that if you were to read every available book about him you would begin to gain only an inkling of how important his work is, and how it will continue to illuminate the lives of countless generations. He is truly the father of all so called "new age thinking", which is really "old age". There are over three hundred books about Edgar Cayce and his work but he wrote none of them himself.

With no medical training and little schooling, Edgar Cayce, while in a state of self hypnosis astounded doctors with his holistic healing techniques and perplexed scholars with his pioneering work in the highest realms of mind. He diagnosed medical problems and prescribed remedies while in trance. He was able to do this without seeing, or even knowing the individuals concerned. While in this state, he needed only to be given the name and address of a particular individual, and would give a discourse (called a reading) on the condition of that person. Not only was he able to describe with great accuracy the physical condition of the person’s body, he was able while in trance, to look into the future and the past, in many cases relating the present physical ailments to events which had occurred in past lives. While this is all true two of the most rep
eated phrases used while Mr Cayce was in this state of c9nsciousness was "mind is the builder" and, '"thoughts are things". In other words, what you think constantly you become. It couldn't be plainer then that. As I stated earlier this is also one of the best self help books available anywhere. If you feel this might be to your liking, you can get it here. Mind Is the Builder

Zero Limits

In my attempt to guide you in finding the best self help books on line I feel this is one of the most important reads you can find. It's about taking complete responsibility for the life you find yourself currently involved with. We're all born with a victim's consciousness and throughout childhood it seems we have no say over anything. Children get sat on because they obviously need protection from themselves but sometimes it's done in an ineffective manner leaving deep rooted scars, i.e. ingrained negativity. Once programmed with this crippling emotional and mental attitude it's very difficult to extract one's self. It becomes a repeated re-action to events in one's life which just keeps re-enforcing the problem because yu're re-acting to a memory rather then being "in the moment".. When choices we've made turn out other then what we had consciously intended it becomes a comforting habit to point a finger at someone else and not take responsibility for our own mess.

Think about it for a minute. If you perceive yourself as a victim how in the world can you do anything to change your life? That means "things" are being done to you by everyone else and in fact it might seem like the whole world is out to get you. If you're in a victim's consciousness you're powerless to stop what's happening simply because you're conditioned to believe you can't and why? Because it's always someone else's fault right? You might even like it because you don't have to take responsibility for anything, but eventually the "hurts" pile so high that you can't take it anymore. That's when you begin to realize that something's terribly wrong with the way your life is going. That's when you get out of the sand box and begin looking for something to change yourself from within and of course that's where it's at. We all come to this point eventually. The only reason we don't attract the things in life we say we want is because we have counter-intentions in the subconscious. I can't go into this subject in depth here, I would have to write a book's already been written.

Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More

"ZERO LIMITS" by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale is one of the most remarkable books I have ever read. It teaches you a very simple technique to rid one of sub-c0conscious negativity "in the moment". Negativity and resentment floating up from the sub-conscious (it does all day long) and negativity that you've come face to face with in the person of someone else becomes ridiculously easy to eliminate from yourself and yes, it will eliminate it from those around you also. I use this technique all the time and it works. I also know it sounds far-out but in "new age thinking" everyone seems to reiterate the so-called fact that we create our own environment, I think without fully understanding how. Well, this technique will work even if you don't understand what is taking place but, once you have a somewhat thorough inderstanding of the process and accept responsibility for the life you've created the process will quickly "clear" your subconscious or as Dr. Hew (pronounced who) Len says "clean" the subconscious. This is the updated version of this technique and is undoubtedly one of the best self help books on line I have ever read. On the other hand there will always be those who will put a negative spin on everything because that's where they're coming from. I believe we create our own environment and I certainly would much rather become involved in the positive spin. I believe this book will help everyone who reads it to come face to face with themselves in a very positive manner. You can get this book here. Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More

Anatomy of the Spirit

I decided to create this blog to help those who are just "waking up" from the deep sleep of materiality and those who have been searching for a while also There's soooo much to learn and there are lots and lots and lots of books out there to choose from. Some will guide you on your journey and some will send you off in a different direction. What you want is a real guide to the best self help books you can find.

Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Myss is a good tool to help us evaluate ourselves. By using the seven stages that she is offering, one is given a jump start. I've found it's not possible to change overnight, it takes time and commitment, it takes going into the depths of our being consistently every day, this is an ongoing wonderful journey, an adventure for sure. This is one of the best self help books I've had the pleasure of enjoying. The comprehensive manner in which she weaves the Kabbala, Christianity and the Hindu religions together are indeed enlightening and helps one see the importance of unraveling crystallized belief systems. What I'm trying to say is that this book really wakes one up to the fact that all religions (before doctrine took over) basically tell the same story, you just have to keep an open mind. It might make you feel just a little insecure if you think "your way" is the only way. In my Father's house there are many mansions or many states of consciousness or dimensions. Carolyn Myss has written many books, all of which in my opinion are excellent and some of the best self help books on line. You can check it out here. Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing