Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mind is the Builder

OK, following along the same lines of trying to understand the much repeated phrase that we create our own environment I'm going to send you in the direction of some of the best self help books available on line or anywhere, the Edgar Cayce books. . One of the many books that have been written about the Cayce readings is "Mind is the Builder" by Dick Daily. While it won't tell you how to get "clear" in a precise manner (we already discussed that in a previous post) it does fall in line with what we've been talking about and as such is one of the best self help books around . It will open many doors in the mind for sure.

I became involved with the Cayce readings eons ago and I can state unequivocally that the information contain
ed within those readings is mind blowing to say the least. If you've never heard of him before then let me fill you in.

Mr. Cayce’s story is so amazing that no single biography can explain the full scope of his work. It is probable that if you were to read every available book about him you would begin to gain only an inkling of how important his work is, and how it will continue to illuminate the lives of countless generations. He is truly the father of all so called "new age thinking", which is really "old age". There are over three hundred books about Edgar Cayce and his work but he wrote none of them himself.

With no medical training and little schooling, Edgar Cayce, while in a state of self hypnosis astounded doctors with his holistic healing techniques and perplexed scholars with his pioneering work in the highest realms of mind. He diagnosed medical problems and prescribed remedies while in trance. He was able to do this without seeing, or even knowing the individuals concerned. While in this state, he needed only to be given the name and address of a particular individual, and would give a discourse (called a reading) on the condition of that person. Not only was he able to describe with great accuracy the physical condition of the person’s body, he was able while in trance, to look into the future and the past, in many cases relating the present physical ailments to events which had occurred in past lives. While this is all true two of the most rep
eated phrases used while Mr Cayce was in this state of c9nsciousness was "mind is the builder" and, '"thoughts are things". In other words, what you think constantly you become. It couldn't be plainer then that. As I stated earlier this is also one of the best self help books available anywhere. If you feel this might be to your liking, you can get it here. Mind Is the Builder

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